Supporting student's social and emotional needs

We are a small school with a number of students from disadvantaged backgrounds, students dealing with significant trauma, students with disabilities and students with social difficulties. We noticed that an increasing number of our students were struggling with social and emotional challenges, particularly during our recess and lunch breaks. We were having increased cases of social behaviour issues and students who were isolating themselves from others. In recent times we have had an increase of students at risk, students dealing with trauma and students with disabilities.
To combat this and support the well-being of our students we opened up our library during break times but struggled to have inviting activities in there that would encourage our students in need to access it. After receiving our order of LEGO from GOOD360 we now have a library full of students, working together and experiencing success. These are mainly students who were struggling with their social and emotional needs. We have seen friendships develop and witnessed the joy this opportunity and space have created. We have also found that when we are dealing with students who are in a moment of distress and challenge this equipment is a positive tool to allow us to support the student to redirect their focus, reset and then reenter their learning journey. It has had such a positive impact on our students.
A big thank you to Good360 and LEGO for their generous support
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Causes we support

People with Disabilities
Health and Mental Health
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia