A Truckload Of Magic For Our Community

Church Of Christ Forster Tuncurry would like to extend a big thank you to Good360 and Team Global Express for their generosity in donating and delivering a truckload of donations for our community.

Team Global Express were incredibly generous to offer us a probono delivery of 10 pallets, which we are exceedingly grateful for. Our wonderful staff and volunteers helped us unload the donations from the truck on the day, and we were all blown away with the variety of donations as we opened up the boxes!

This delivery included lots of LEGO, NIKE shoes and jackets, and many other goodies to keep our community warm and feeling supported during these difficult times.

The donations have mostly already been handed out for free to community members during our food pantry day. It was wonderful to see everyone leave with a smile on their face because of the donations they received.

This donation, especially the LEGO portion, will also be making a big impact for our local Primary School, as well as in December during our Operation Christmas Child campaign. We will be wrapping and distributing presents across our community and other remote parts of Australia, to families who otherwise likely wouldn't have received presents during the festive season.

We would like to extend another big thank you Good360, Team Global Express, and all of the generous donors. Thank you for helping us make a positive difference!

About Our Charity

We are a church that runs a free brunch, community pantry with fresh / long life items. We also provide clothing / shoes and all things that can help someone start up - on a needs to need basis. We are currently providing this service for 70+ people each

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Causes we support

Community Improvement & Economic Development
Cost of Living Crisis


Multiple Donors