Little hands building hope

In the bustling corridors of the Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) and Monash Hospital, a sense of hope and resilience prevails, thanks, in part, to a collaboration between Camp Quality and Goods 360.
Despite the daily challenges faced by these young patients and their families, there are moments when these brave kids manage to take back their childhood stolen by cancer. Among the many supporters of these incredibly resilient children is Camp Quality, a dedicated organisation committed to bringing positivity, fun and laughter back into the lives of kids facing cancer. One of their most cherished initiatives – made possible by Good360 – involves handing out gifts of LEGO during hospital visits.
For children undergoing treatment, hospital stays can be daunting and exhausting. The sterile environment, medical procedures, and separation from the comforts of home can take a toll on their spirits. Through the generous donations of LEGO sets, Good360 helps provide a significant source of creative escape and happiness, lifting the spirits of these brave children.
Camp Quality's LEGO gift initiative is a testament to the power of compassion and creativity. Bringing smiles to the faces of children and their families at RCH and Monash Hospital, the simple act of playing with LEGO helps create precious childhood memories not centred around illness. In these small but significant moments, the impact of this effort is beautifully evident.

About Our Charity

Camp Quality brings positivity, fun and laughter back into the lives of kids facing cancer. We are there for children and their families, from the heartbreaking news of a cancer diagnosis, through every step of the experience.

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Causes we support

Health and Mental Health
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia