Wellbeing and selfcare comes in different forms

We received these lovely products from Good360 for our women's community to support their wellness. Self-care comes in many different forms, and one of them is taking care of our bodies. To help these women, we provide them with items such as body lotion, body wash, mouthwash, and more. Practicing self-care pampering helps us feel better about ourselves. This positively impacts our charity as it aligns with our focus on women's wellness.
Thank you once again Good360 and its sponsors

About Our Charity

To support and provide a safe space for women through monthly events that connects you to the resources you need. Inspired by the daily challenges our founder Maureen faces as a mother living with a child with complex medical needs.

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Causes we support

People with Disabilities
Health and Mental Health


Ego Pharmaceuticals
Davie Group Pty Ltd