Family support

We have many families coming through our doors who are struggling to provide their members with the basics. Being able to provide them with simple and more luxurious items like toiletries and LEGO achieves several things. It allows them to put the small amount of money they have towards critical things like bills and rent. They feel seen and heard when they receive these items that they haven't even considered asking for, and sometimes just that gesture is enough to change their outlook on their day. While these may seem like small things in the greater scheme of their lives, they do make a really big difference to them.
We could not have done this without the generosity of Good360 and its donor partners. Thank you

About Our Charity

Ipswich Assist is a not-for profit organisation which aims to provide Emergency Relief to marginalised individuals and families within our local community.

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Causes we support

Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI
Cost of Living Crisis


LEGO Australia
Wella Australia