The blessing of a good pair of Nikes

We hadn't realised how tight the budgets were for a lot of families in our community until we started distributing these Nike shoes. One family came to see us and had been talking with our volunteers about how her son was a mad basketballer and while his last pair of shoes had lasted him 3 years, he needed new ones and she'd had to tell him that there just wasn't enough money to be able to pay for shoes. She couldn't believe that the same week she'd had to let her son down, we'd had shoes come in and were able to bless her and her son with a pair of shoes his size. She was bewildered that the timing had been so perfect, and grateful that she was able to meet her son's needs and keep track of the budget.
We are truly grateful for the amazing donation from Good360 and Nike. Thank you

About Our Charity

Ipswich Assist is a not-for profit organisation which aims to provide Emergency Relief to marginalised individuals and families within our local community.

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Causes we support

Recreation & Sports
Children & Youth
Cost of Living Crisis


LEGO Australia
Multiple Donors