LEGO for Learning

The Gundagai Neighbourhood Centre is a non-profit incorporated organisation that provides a range of community services to the residents and visitors of the Gundagai Community. Our weekly ‘Paint and Play’ supported playgroup in Gundagai hosts around 30 families, and we also outreach to the small village of Nangus each fortnight that hosts another 10 families with an assortment of activities and experiences for kids. These services have a primary focus on children aged 0-12 years and provide support to children and their families based on prevention and early intervention. Services actively seek to identify issues that are or could, impact on child or family outcomes and provide appropriate referrals before these issues escalate.
We ordered LEGO from Good360 for our weekly Paint and Play sessions. We run on a tight budget and this type of opportunity is paramount to our success. LEGO Is great for cognitive skills and provides a way to master many other kinds of emerging skills, such as problem-solving, spatial skills and understanding semi-complex tasks. It's also a super fun and enjoyable experience for our children.
We are thankful to Good360 and LEGO for their generous support

About Our Charity

The Gundagai Neighbourhood Centre opened its doors in 1976, since then it has served the community of the Gundagai Shire. Its emphasis is on togetherness and belonging. We offer a range of services and activities to meet the community need and fill commu

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Causes we support

Education & Literacy
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia