Bringing Joy and Relief to the Bourke Community

We recently delivered the goods donated through Good360 to the Bourke community which has had a profoundly positive impact. Amidst the ongoing challenges of cost of living pressures and the long recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and devastating floods, these gifts were a beacon of hope and joy. The children's reactions to receiving LEGO sets were particularly heartwarming; their eyes lit up with excitement and gratitude, underscoring the special nature of these donations. The delight and appreciation expressed by the kids demonstrated just how meaningful these contributions were.
In addition to the toys, the hand sanitisers and wipes were packed into washing baskets that we assembled filled with essential household items, further enhancing the value of the donations. These baskets were distributed to families across the community, providing much-needed support and relief. The practical nature of these gifts, combined with the joy they brought, highlighted the significant and multifaceted impact of the donor's generosity.
The gratitude felt by the Bourke community is immense. The contributions through Good360 have not only addressed immediate needs but have also fostered a sense of community and support during challenging times. The difference these gifts have made will be remembered and cherished, leaving a lasting legacy of kindness and generosity. Thank you, Good360 and donors.

About Our Charity

Birrang is a regional based community service provider offering employment and related services to Aboriginal people of New South Wales. More specifically to the community of Bourke a number of initiatives have been employed to overcome barriers related t

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Causes we support

Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI
Cost of Living Crisis


LEGO Australia
Symbion Health Ltd