Attendance Pays Off: Canterbury Boys High School Rewards Students with Optus SIM Cards

At Canterbury Boys High School, a new attendance program is making waves, thanks to the generosity of Good360 and the Optus Donate Your Data program. The initiative rewards students who achieve 100% attendance over five weeks by entering their names into a draw to receive an Optus Donate Your Data SIM card. This innovative approach not only incentivises regular attendance but also addresses the digital divide many students face.
In a recent school assembly, 201 students were recognised for their exemplary attendance, and five lucky boys were awarded the coveted SIM cards. These SIM cards provide the winners with much-needed internet access at home, enabling them to complete classwork and assignments more effectively. Moreover, by eliminating the cost of mobile data, families can now reallocate funds towards other educational or well-being needs.
Principal Ross Dummett praised the program, stating, "This initiative supports our goal of improving attendance across the school while also helping to bridge the current cost of living expenses." Mr. Dummett personally called the parents of each winner to congratulate them on their child's outstanding attendance record.
As the school anticipates even higher numbers of students with perfect attendance in the next five-week block, this program demonstrates the power of positive recognition in driving academic
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