Back to school assistance

The schools in the small community of Heywood in South West Victoria were offered some back to school assistance from Anglicare Victoria with help from Good360 earlier this year. After being rocked by business closures before Christmas they were then impacted by bushfires early this year.

To make the transition back to school a little less painful, the local parish priest Fr Hayden McKellar, approached Anglicare Victoria South West to see if we could assist with some back to school packs. Thanks to the wonderful array and quality of the available products on the Good360 website, we were able to offer a fantastic range of essential school items at minimal cost. It was greatly appreciated by all and in particular, the school chaplain Tania Cattell was overwhelmed with the generosity.

"The content of each Backpack was fantastic and very helpful for the students learning" and "Thank you again for your continued support of our Heywood schools". The photo shows the Anglicare Victoria volunteers Pat and Sue with a small portion of what went into the packs before being sent to Heywood for distribution.

Thank you Good360, BIC and Epicentre for helping our children get back to school.

About Our Charity

Anglicare Victoria is a not for profit organisation that exists to protect the vulnerable Victorians in our community. Our vision is to resource and empower children, young people and families to achieve their full potential through the provision of qual

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