Essential kitchen goods to support locals in crisis

We were overjoyed to receive an incredible donation of kitchen essentials valued at $6,319 from Good360 Australia.
The donations support those experiencing domestic and family violence in our community, as well as those struggling with the rising cost of living.
Thank you to companies such as Dettol, Nike and Chux for your support and partnership with Good360 and SECC.
These generous donations will make a tangible difference in the lives of our clients, providing essential resources.

About Our Charity

SECC is a NFP. It has 2 offices. One in Eastlakes which is focused on Aged Care Services and is the head office. I am pplying on behalf of our Mascot office which provides free Casework for clients experiencing DV, youth and young families. We also provid

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Causes we support

Community Improvement & Economic Development
Cost of Living Crisis


Multiple Donors