Mindfulness Mania

Well-being is something that we strive for at Warialda High School. We are learning different techniques from the Resilience Project with the key focus areas being GEM
Gratitude- paying attention to what you have and being grateful for these things,
Empathy – understanding how others feel and being kind and thoughtful
Mindfulness- being present and connected
We have been very persistent in encouraging students to take a break from social media and get back into some hobbies and activities which is perfect for practising their mindfulness. Some of these activities include fishing, sports, LEGO, arts and crafts, sewing, make-up and journalling.
The backpacks have been perfect to have in our office, ready to help someone out who needs a new bag and be utilised to make packs. We are very grateful for the products we have been able to source from Good 360 and put to good use. This has included making well-being bags for all students. We have used the backpacks to make fishing bags/art and sports packs and even some makeup bags to encourage students to engage in some hands-on activities and mindfulness. Some students have also shown empathy and gratitude for others by selecting items on their behalf and in their absence, so everyone has been included.
Everything we have received from Good360 has been utilised in our well-being programs and the care of our students and their families.
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