A good read for a good deed

Research participants and sisters, Hermione and Daphne, help with a study looking into the causes of type 1 diabetes (ENDIA: www.endia.org.au). They do this because someone in their family has type 1 diabetes, and this increases their risk of the condition themselves. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition which requires daily insulin injections as well as regular blood sugar checking throughout the day.

The ENDIA Study for these two girls requires a study visit every 6 months with our pediatric nurse in Brisbane to provide blood, stool, urine and swab samples as well as questionnaire data. We were delighted to say thank you for all their help in the study with a fun book by the amazing Anh Do.
We are thankful to Good360 and the publishers Allen&Unwin for their generous donation of children's books

About Our Charity

The University of Adelaide and the Women's and Children's Hospital of Adelaide collaborate as lead sites for a national clinical research study into the causes of type 1 diabetes in children: The ENDIA Study. We follow children every 6 months until they t

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Allen & Unwin