Supporting our regulation toolboxes
Challa Gardens Primary School
Worth of brand new
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goods received (RRP)
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Lives Impacted
September 2024
Our school has been working with our students around the zones of regulation. We have been looking at our emotions, emotions in others and how we can help ourselves deal with big feelings. Each of our students was given a Kevin Koala to take home to be a tool that they can use to help them manage big feelings at home. A brochure went home to families to help them understand the zones and talk with their children about what other tools they could use to help them throughout their zones. There is also a Kevin in each classroom and we have some koalas left over that we will give to our new students when they start to help introduce the zones to them and their families. The children were so excited and we have had so many positive comments from parents.
The support from Good360 and its donor partners has been a blessing to our whole school community. Thank you so much
The support from Good360 and its donor partners has been a blessing to our whole school community. Thank you so much
Causes we support
Health and Mental Health
Children & Youth