Sometimes it's hard to get to school

Sometimes we help organizations, but quite often it's the individual. This is a photo of just one of the many young people (or their families) who have asked for help getting to school. It's not just about lunch supplies or a bag to put them in; it's also about personal care products, pens, and sometimes even reading glasses because going to the optometrist can be difficult. Every young person deserves an education, and none of them should feel they can't attend because they don't have the right equipment or because they don't think they will fit in. Sometimes, having a bottle of deodorant is what will get them there.
Fortunately, we can assist many children to attend school in our community thanks to our collaboration with Good360 and its product sponsors

About Our Charity

We run a foodcare operation in Grafton where part of the operation is selling very low cost groceries but an equal part is providing food to people in need, either as they come to the shop or by delivering to them. So many have other needs that we hope to

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Causes we support

Health and Mental Health
Children & Youth


Anonymous Donor
Edgewell Personal Care
Grin Natural
Davie Group Pty Ltd
Multiple Donors
Days For Girls
Sunshades Eyewear
Allen & Unwin