Impact Stories

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Experiences for all

Experiences for all

$19,530 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
1000 Lives impacted
Pots provide purpose

Pots provide purpose

$9,700 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
220 Lives impacted


$22,255 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
220 Lives impacted
Musical tops are TOPS!!

Musical tops are TOPS!!

$2,280 Total of new goods received
$198 Total paid
50 Lives impacted
Animation content extended by LEGO

Animation content extended by LEGO

$17,319 Total of new goods received
$1,229 Total paid
215 Lives impacted
Turning LEGO into Animation

Turning LEGO into Animation

$19,548 Total of new goods received
$1,439 Total paid
220 Lives impacted

6 Item(s)

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