Thank you BIC and Honeycomb

Thank you Good360 for your recent donations, your generosity is making a difference for people and their children in our community.
Considering our children in the Sunday school church, they were so happy to receive the games and the puzzle book. At the Sunday school, they had a competition about how many puzzles they can solve in half an hour, and they transfer the puzzle book to Sunday school games. The games were so easy to plan and gave the children a fun positive experience while learning
Thank you to BIC and Honeycomb who donated all office items and drinking bottles. They went to the homeless and disadvantaged families.
Without your service and great support, Heaven’s Joy will be struggling to achieve what we are achieving at the moment.
Thank you again.

About Our Charity

Heaven’s Joy is a not-for-profit organization that does not operate for profit, personal gain or other benefit to the organizers. Heaven’s Joy helps under-privileged people, victims of violence, homeless, refugees, grieving families and people at risk b

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Causes we support

Children & Youth


Honeycomb Agency
Commonwealth Bank of Australia