So many amazing donations

Today our charity Fostering Hope received an amazing donation of baby soothers which is just what we needed. Many babies coming into care find soothers very comforting so it’s so good to have them available to give to carers for new placements
We also received brown packing tape that we use a lot every week, this donation has saved us a lot of funds.
We cannot thank enough Good360 and its product donors for these generous donations, it’s companies like yours that make it easy for communities like us to help those who need it the most, thank you again.

About Our Charity

We are a not-for-profit organisation we collect items from our community and we give them out to children in foster care and foster families or families in need women escaping domestic violence situations and refugees at no cost to them

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Causes we support

Community Improvement & Economic Development
Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI


3M Corporation
Philips (Personal Care)