Free calls to safe lives

The Good360 Crisis SIMs are an important part of our safety and escape planning for domestic violence victims.
Many victims are under constant surveillance and harassment by their partners, putting their lives at risk and making it very difficult to seek help.
We collect old mobile phones to test, repair and provide to those who need them the most, to take home and hide.
These phones are used by the victim to keep them connected to emergency services and their support network, however many victims are also financially controlled by their partner, so purchasing another SIM is out of the question.
The crisis SIMs are provided along with our phones to allow the victim to stay connected to help and support.
Thank you Good360 and Optus for the difference you’re making.

About Our Charity

DV Safe Phone collects, repurposes and gifts mobile phones to victims of domestic violence (DV) through registered charities, safe houses and authorities serving this vulnerable community. Our Safe Phones are then provided as part of an individual's 'safe

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Causes we support

Health and Mental Health
Human Rights
Crime Prevention & Ex-Offender Reintegration

