Digital Connections Bring Joy to Seniors

Inclusee is extremely grateful for the support of Good360 and Optus who have provided digital connections to our senior participants in the form of internet-enabled SIM cards, via the Donate Your Data program, which provides our participants with 40 GB of mobile data.
In a world increasingly connected through the power of the internet, it's easy to forget that not everyone has equal access to this invaluable resource. For many seniors in our community, reliable internet access has remained a significant barrier.
Our seniors, some of whom had never before ventured into the digital realm, are now finding themselves connected, engaged, and more socially active than ever. The SIM cards have become their tickets to a vibrant online world where they can participate in virtual social clubs and enjoy one-on-one visits with volunteers.
The weekly video chats with volunteers have become the highlight of our seniors' lives. Volunteers provide companionship and an opportunity to share stories, memories, and laughter, alleviating loneliness and isolation that often plague the elderly.
Daily online social activities, from book clubs to ukulele classes, have created a vibrant community where seniors discover new interests and forge bonds with their peers. This transformation extends beyond the virtual world, boosting our seniors' confidence and improving their overall quality of life. They are becoming more tech-savvy, proving that learning knows no age limits.
Thank you

About Our Charity

We are a charitable organisation that provides social support to seniors with the help of our many volunteers.

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