All children are special and deserve to be treated well

Kyogle has a SEIFA score of 942.9 and one-third of the children in this area live in poverty. It is wonderful that we can partner with the local school to give out various children's accessories to those who are involved with the Friendship groups run by the School Chaplain who is also part of our service. Children can feel they are special and deserve to be treated well.
We thank you Good360 and all the partners involved for enabling us to bring joy into these young lives. Having an assortment of "boy" accessories was great this time around since we often only get very pink accessories. Living rurally, it is even hard to access some of these items if you don't have a car.
Education is key to bringing up these children well and we are pleased to work together with our local school. We sincerely appreciate the generous support from Good360 and its donors and would like to express our thanks

About Our Charity

We are a Christian church located in the small town of Kyogle, NSW. We have weekly church services and group meetings to support our community. We also have a food pantry for those in need and have been coordinating alot of the flood recovery after the fl

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Causes we support

Children & Youth
Cost of Living Crisis

