Empowering with Clothing

We have many people of both genders who come into the centre that we dress them with apparel sourced from Good360. They get to take as many items as they need to set up a wardrobe. It’s important those that who suffer from DV know they are valued, respected and deserve to look and feel beautiful. The centre is there for everyone in the community. We help by donating anything the needy require.
The items are a blessing to those that come in for help with nothing but the clothes on their back.
A special thanks to Good360, Best&Less and Mosaic for the gorgeous donations.

About Our Charity

We give shelter to both genders -victims of DV. We keep them safe for a 12 week period and purchase everything they need to start a new life.

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Causes we support

Children & Youth


Best & Less
Mosaic Brands