Good360 supports International Men's Health Week

International Men's Health Week is an annual celebration held in the middle of June to highlight, promote and support the health of men in our community. Housing Choices SA facilitated a breakfast with over 30 men attending. Guest speakers included Housing Choices SA's managing director, Michael Lennon, Professor Katina D'Onise on behalf of Chris Picton, SA's Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Eugene Warrior from Wellbeing SA, Henry McGregor from Adelaide Men's Health Physio and Gordon Russell from the Adelaide City Shed. Attendees learnt about some staggering health statistics impacting men in Australia as well as practical steps all men can take to improve their health.

Thanks to Good360, participants were provided the opportunity to choose from a broad range of new clothing to take home with them on the day.

About Our Charity

We are a leading not-for-profit housing provider with a vision that All people are affordably housed in neighbourhoods that support life opportunities. We house people on low incomes, many of whom present with a range of issues such as marginalisation thr

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