Local Community Winter Clothing Distribution

Thanks to Big W we were able to provide warmth and comfort to over 52 people with much appreciated warm winter clothing and shoes.

The clothes and shoes were set up in a local school hall and laid out on trestle tables for selection and distribution. A mini bus collected a few families without transport and others made their own way to the hall.

Grateful recipients of the warm clothes included; 14 newly arrived farmers from Vanuatu living in Gawler River Caravan park, 4 local indigenous families and several families from East and West African communities.

As you can see by the photos, everyone was grateful for the warm clothes and shoes!

Thank you Good 360 and Big W!

About Our Charity

Aussieghana Relief was founded in 2010 when we Rae-Anne (Aussie) and Shanton (Ghana) moved to Ghana for a year. We wanted to do something to contribute to the plight of the most disadvantaged; the women and children. Our projects have all been completely

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Causes we support

Migrant & Ethnic Groups
Aboriginal or TSI


LEGO Australia
Big W
Gildan Brands