No more tears

Can you believe that just moments before this photo was taken, this little boy was in tears? You will note he has a bandaid on his right arm? This is because Charlie just had a blood test as part of the ENDIA Study. We aim to take a blood test from each child twice a year. Charlie has had a blood test at every study visit and he's been involved for years! This one must have been a bit ouchy. But when his ENDIA nurse gave him a box of Lego, his tears dried up! The Lego is such a hit with our little research participants, and leaves them with a positive memory of their study visits (and even maybe looking forward to coming back for the next one!)

Thanks Good360 and LEGO.

About Our Charity

The University of Adelaide and the Women's and Children's Hospital of Adelaide collaborate as lead sites for a national clinical research study into the causes of type 1 diabetes in children: The ENDIA Study. We follow children every 6 months until they t

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Children & Youth


LEGO Australia