Are you coming to the tree?

St Brigid's community hub hosts several programs to support families build skills, forming social connections, and being supported in their community. The Community Hub is part of a national network called "Community Hubs Australia" and while the hub is open to all, it is particularly focused on helping in the migrant settlement.
As part of the community hub, we run a playgroup that is free for the community. This playgroup is our most popular program and provides opportunities for both parents and their children to meet other community members and enjoy playing. We received a wooden activity tree and wooden animal bowling sets from Good360. We set the tree up in our quiet corner and some of our children have really enjoyed sitting and playing with the tree for an extended amount of time. It has been really great to see.
The bowling sets also have provided an opportunity for our children to practice and develop their hand-eye coordination. We have limited activities that focus on this particular skill and so these bowling sets have been a great addition to our playgroup. Thank you Good360 and The Stork Nest for enriching our playgroup toy collection.
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Children & Youth
Migrant & Ethnic Groups


Bloom & Grow