First child to complete the ENDIA Study

Toby has been visiting with the ENDIA Study nurses since his mother was pregnant! And now over 10 years on, he is the first to "graduate" from ENDIA. That's 24 study visits, 24 blood samples, 24 poos, and wees and swabs. Amazing effort! We presented him with a special "research star" medal, a certificate, and a big box of LEGO! The smile on his face says it was all worth it.
Thank you Good360 and LEGO for your generous support.

About Our Charity

The University of Adelaide and the Women's and Children's Hospital of Adelaide collaborate as lead sites for a national clinical research study into the causes of type 1 diabetes in children: The ENDIA Study. We follow children every 6 months until they t

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Health and Mental Health
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia