SIM card gives 'Jane*' choice again

Good360 provided Wyong Neighbourhood Centre with 10 Optus SIM cards to give to people who are accessing the Financial Counselling Service due to financial hardship.
As the cards have only just been delivered we have them stored to give to people who have been identified as potential recipients. Two cards have been distributed to date with both recipients stating how wonderful this program is and how much of an impact it will have in their lives. They have both stated that it will be practical and valuable assistance for them to achieve their goals.
One of the recipients is now able to afford some food each fortnight as her rent and utilities consume all of her income and she is reliant upon charity for food. Being able to choose some of their own food purchases again was incredibly empowering and humanizing. “It was so nice being able to choose my own food again”
The other recipient is planning to leave a violent relationship and is experiencing financial hardship which will be exacerbated upon her exit. In preparation, she has planned to start saving some money for her exit with support from the financial counsellor. Part of the plan is to use the SIM card to reduce her utility expenditure in order to save. “Thank you so much for this support”
* Name changed for privacy
We thank Optus and Good360 for their support
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