Support when it's needed the most.

Early this year, Treasure Boxes supported a young family who were unexpectedly faced with a childhood cancer diagnosis for their 8-month-old son. Originally from Alice Springs, they were forced to remain in Adelaide, without family support or their belongings with no return date in the foreseeable future. The support from Treasure Boxes helped alleviate extensive pressure from their already complicated situation.
Whilst the family has been managing over the last few months, they have now been faced with another unexpected event, with the mother returning overseas for an extensive length of time, there is no set return date as of yet. As a result, the father has had to give up his job and is now the sole carer for the little boy. This has placed extensive pressure on his father, whose only support is in Alice Springs. Relying solely on Centrelink for the family's needs and the little boys' treatment requirements, the family has found themself in extreme financial distress relying heavily on charities to ensure basic needs are met.
Treasure Boxes is proud to support this family again through this difficult time and is incredibly appreciative of Good360 and its corporate sponsors' generosity and support to ensure we can continue to help SA's most disadvantaged families in need. Thank you

About Our Charity

An early intervention service that alleviates hardship and trauma to children and families at high risk of poverty, homelessness and in domestic violence environments.

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Health and Mental Health
Children & Youth
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