CF Kids Connect - LEGO Build

Cystic Fibrosis WA is a community-based organisation supporting people living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Part of our commitment is to provide opportunities for people living with CF to create valuable connections and friendships with others living with the disease. This is challenged by the fact that people living with CF are vulnerable to sharing infections and bacteria and so they are unable to meet with others with CF face to face. CF Kids Connect is a therapeutic program facilitated by our Occupational Therapist and provides activity-based online sessions for kids. These activity-based sessions are varied, and the most requested and engaging sessions have been the LEGO building sessions. With the generous support of LEGO and Good360, we are able to host LEGO building groups and provide LEGO kits to each participant for them to build at home during the sessions. Having a focused activity for the sessions provides a relaxed and mutually interesting backdrop for many conversations to flow, with the kids being able to talk about their health challenges, and experiences and share stories. We have received resounding positive feedback for our CF Kids Connect program with term schedules now offering 4 to 6 sessions per term, two always being LEGO. Our CF Kids have worked collaboratively to build large LEGO pieces now on show in our CF reception, plus smaller pieces they keep at home. We are so grateful for the support that Good360 offers our organisation and community.
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Health and Mental Health
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia