Supporting our small community!

We were fortunate enough to be able to collect a local store donation from BIG W which for us is a 400km round trip. This donation could not have come at a better time for our community. With many people receiving utilities and rates at this time, people have been hit hard. A large portion of our community members are also having to cart or pay for water due to the drought. This creates a significant impact on what little finances these community members have left.

These donations consisted of a variety of items but the most welcomed items of all were the winter clothing. We see a regular pattern of people misjudging how quick winter comes around each year and they are caught out without any winter items for their children. With the closest reasonably priced store a 200km round trip, families often approach our service and it has been a huge relief that we have been able to supply so many families and individuals with clothing that will last for the remainder of the year.
Thank You BIG W and Good360 from the bottom of our hearts for these donations!

About Our Charity

The Tara Neighbourhood Centre is a rural community support centre for a variety of community members. We facilitate programs for Seniors and Families as well as attend and support a variety of community led events and small school events. We are a small o

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Disaster Relief


Big W