Impact Stories

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Helping Families in Need

Helping Families in Need

$66,167 Total of new goods received
$36 Total paid
125 Lives impacted
The Family Increases

The Family Increases

$7,280 Total of new goods received
$77 Total paid
100 Lives impacted
Generous Donation: Thank you KOH!

Generous Donation: Thank you KOH!

$13,832 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
65 Lives impacted
Pet's are family too!

Pet's are family too!

$11,172 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
30 Lives impacted
Little People

Little People

$12,309 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
100 Lives impacted
Furniture for a New Beginning

Furniture for a New Beginning

$35,112 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
20 Lives impacted
Gift of Essentials to Expectant Mothers

Gift of Essentials to Expectant Mothers

$17,830 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
150 Lives impacted
Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living

$28,855 Total of new goods received
$721 Total paid
4 Lives impacted
Helping Children and Young People experiencing homelessness

Helping Children and Young People experiencing homelessness

$18,329 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
25 Lives impacted
Gifts for the homeless.

Gifts for the homeless.

$18,889 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
100 Lives impacted

Items 1 to 10 of 432 total

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