Impact Stories

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Playgroup Fun!

Playgroup Fun!

$146 Total of new goods received
$32 Total paid
30 Lives impacted
Thankful Families!

Thankful Families!

$45,016 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
200 Lives impacted
Keeping it clean with Koh

Keeping it clean with Koh

$13,832 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
100 Lives impacted
Cute Kitties!

Cute Kitties!

$11,172 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
100 Lives impacted
Christmas Cheer at Lighthouse Kids Club

Christmas Cheer at Lighthouse Kids Club

$2,639 Total of new goods received
$132 Total paid
25 Lives impacted
Luxury haircare for Ukrainian women

Luxury haircare for Ukrainian women

$2,150 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
42 Lives impacted
LEGO brightens holiday boredom for Ukrainian kids

LEGO brightens holiday boredom for Ukrainian kids

$25,051 Total of new goods received
$650 Total paid
60 Lives impacted
Bundles of goodies for our bundles of joy

Bundles of goodies for our bundles of joy

$65,506 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
50 Lives impacted
SunSmart boosted by gift of Banana Boat sunscreen

SunSmart boosted by gift of Banana Boat sunscreen

$1,817 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
40 Lives impacted
Thank you IKEA Australia

Thank you IKEA Australia

$5,750 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
100 Lives impacted

Items 1 to 10 of 345 total

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