Impact Stories

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Brightening postpartum kids term holidays!

Brightening postpartum kids term holidays!

$2,040 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
80 Lives impacted


$16,364 Total of new goods received
$1,123 Total paid
300 Lives impacted
Changing lives!!

Changing lives!!

$30,638 Total of new goods received
$1,839 Total paid
1000 Lives impacted
Learning with LEGO!

Learning with LEGO!

$1,110 Total of new goods received
$142 Total paid
145 Lives impacted
What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World

$772 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
100 Lives impacted
Building a brighter future

Building a brighter future

$11,088 Total of new goods received
$251 Total paid
150 Lives impacted
Christmas Party full of Happy Kids

Christmas Party full of Happy Kids

$5,239 Total of new goods received
$241 Total paid
150 Lives impacted
Caring and Understanding

Caring and Understanding

$1,344 Total of new goods received
$161 Total paid
13 Lives impacted
The Power of Play and imagination through LEGO

The Power of Play and imagination through LEGO

$50,251 Total of new goods received
$3,196 Total paid
1000 Lives impacted
Engaging Families

Engaging Families

$3,320 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
14 Lives impacted

Items 1 to 10 of 151 total

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