Happy days

I can't believe my little eyes ...... yes I have got Huggies nappies. Thank you Good360 & NATSIC for providing me with these nappies. Mum was so proud to have these nappies as she won't have to do nappy changes too often during the night as these will keep the baby bottom dry which means mum & bub will both get a good night's sleep after a long time.

This is a great example of how these items impact the lives in the lands. There is very limited movements & they don't get the luxury of buying these stuff during the pandemic.

NATSIC has been helping lots of families in the APY Lands with the help of Good360 & their partnered donors during this COVID-19 pandemic. People are really happy with the quality & quantity of the goods delivered & also that they are not forgotten during this pandemic.

About Our Charity

We work in remote Aboriginal Communities in NSW,NT and SA

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Causes we support

Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI


The Nappy Collective