Rainbow of Hope at Christmas

2020 has been a difficult year for most families due to COVID-19. At Menai/Illawong Uniting Church we are acutely aware that while most of us are blessed to have loved ones around and plenty of culinary delights to look forward to; there are many in our community that do not know this privilege. In fact, Christmas can be a time of insecurity and anxiety for some.

Traditionally, we receive a list of families in need of some Christmas joy in the form of festive food and gifts for the little ones. This year we heard of Good360. To our delight, Good360 is our Giant Santa that provided us with quality new products, gifts and toys for Ages 0 to 95! A bonus to our food hampers.

Thank you Good360. Dealing with you has been one big joy for us because your staff have been friendly, helpful and efficient. These gifts will bring Joy to the World this Christmas. Surely, the LEGO and Big Red Fire Trucks are bound to light up some little child’s face on Christmas morning.

About Our Charity

Our church vision is "Connecting with our community, growing in our relationship with Jesus and making disciples". We connect with our community by identifying a need and meeting it by providing help, food hampers and meals for those in need.

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LEGO Australia
Empower Packs