Huggies for Bubs

Huggies Nappies have had a huge impact with Mums and Bubs in APY Lands.
Our goal is to provide soft and comfortable Nappies for Babies and Toddlers in the lands as a way to help support families who are struggling in the current pandemic.
We love to see the smiling faces of Mothers when they collect Nappies from our centres.
Some of the feedback we have received from a young Mum:
"Hi my name is Anne Marie and I want to say Thank you for the baby nappies I got from Huggies. Sometimes we don’t have a lot of money to buy these for the babies but we got these ones free and we appreciate it. Thank you"
Thanks to Good360 and Huggies for giving us the opportunity to support families at this tough time by providing quality Nappies for bubs to be comfortable in!

About Our Charity

Our organisation helps aboriginal elders in the APY lands

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Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI

