Protecting our volunteers

We are a Jewish funeral home, ensuring all members of our community receive a dignified burial. We are not for profit and charge at cost funerals. We also ensure that everyone is able to have a Jewish burial regardless of whether or not they can afford it. Donations ensure we can help purchase a plot and cover the funeral cost for those who can't afford it.
Working with people that have passed away poses a significant risk of infection to our staff and volunteers. We have a team of 2-4 volunteers attending every preparation for burial and we need to ensure every volunteer is safe. It is vital that we have correct PPE for all volunteers so that they can stay safe in order to do their job. Our volunteers are of all ages and at a minimum require PPE such as gowns, gloves, masks and face shields. Where available, we also prefer them to have shoe and hair coverings in order to make sure they are protected. Hand sanitiser and disinfectants are also vital in reducing the risks to our volunteers. PPE presents a significant cost to our organisation and that's why we appreciated so much the boxes of disposable PPE Gowns, face masks and hand sanitisers we received from Good360. It gives us great peace of mind to have affordable access to these items and also gives great peace of mind to our volunteers who give up so much of their time to perform this service to our community.
Thank you Good360 and all the kind donors for the all-important products

About Our Charity

We are a Jewish funeral parlour servicing the Sydney Jewish community. We provide at cost burials or free burials for those who can't afford it. We rely on donations and volunteers to keep our costs low and assist those in need.

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