Big W = Big Heart

Following the recent floods on the mid-north coast, Mid Coast Connect was thrilled to be approached by Good360 with Big W Gift cards. We gratefully accepted the 4 x $500 Gift cards, knowing that local families and young people desperately needed assistance. Thanks to the generosity of Big W, vouchers were used to purchase clothing, bedding, cleaning products and personal care items and distributed to the flood-affected community. "It's wonderful to be able to provide exactly what's needed during times of disaster," said our CEO, Jenny Fraser. Also, a big thank you to Good360 for initiating the Flood Relief program that has helped so many communities.

About Our Charity

Mid Coast Connect is a not-for-profit locally-based organisation supporting young people from Woolgoolga to Bulahdelah. Established in 1997, we strive to assist young people with their transition from school into further education, training or employm

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Causes we support

Education & Literacy
Workforce Development
Children & Youth


Big W