So Grateful for the Help.

A family seeking asylum with no work rights and young children is one of many regular consumers at the Settlement Hub. The family was recently blessed with a new addition. Baby hampers with wipes and nappies are part of the giveaways by the Goulburn Valley Hospital, but unfortunately, the family ran out of wipes very quickly. When we asked the family how we could help and what they needed, all we heard was baby items, including wipes.
Uniting was then given pallets of donated wipes from Good360; this family was one of many prioritized beneficiary families for baby wipes. The family was extremely grateful when the staff rang to share the good news and to ask them to collect wipes for the baby and their toddler. Upon collection, they said, "It is tough when you need items for your children but do not have the means to provide for them. I am very grateful to Uniting's Settlement Hub, who have always supported us with essential things that we need in life such as food, nappies, clothes, and sometimes toys also."
Thank you Good360 and Curash Baby Wipes for the awesome donation.
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