Steel Toe Cap Boots Provide Excellent Protection

When it comes to industrial or construction work, you need the proper footwear to protect your feet. Steel cap boots are made to protect your toes from a variety of hazards including falling objects, impacts and compression. Many job sites and workplaces require steel cap boots as part of their workplace health and safety practices.
We had students doing work experience, who needed steel cap boots for their location and Lions were able to provide these for them.
One man stated he had lost his boots in the flood and wished to thank Good360 and Blundstone for providing Lions the steel cap boots, so they could support those who needed them in areas that had been flood-affected.
Lions would give a shout-out to Good360 and its donors who have changed the lives of so many people, many are not able to afford new boots and greatly appreciate the support.

About Our Charity

To empower volunteers, to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

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Causes we support

Disaster Relief
Cost of Living Crisis

