A Wonderful Christmas

Soul Food Program provided Xmas presents for many children, both at our Xmas lunch and for the parents to use on Xmas Day, 82 children in total. For many of these children, these were the only presents they received for Xmas.
One of these families was Ro, a mum of 6 and a victim of DV, who moved to a different town for their safety. The children were traumatized and anxious, and Mum had no money for presents. Soul Food provided their family with presents for Xmas day, including a box of LEGO for each of the 6 children. To say the children were delighted is an understatement!
A big thank you to both LEGO and Good360 for their generosity and for helping us make Xmas a wonderful time for many.
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Food Security & Agriculture
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia