Gorgeous Eveningwear

Special thanks to Good360 and Intermoda Pty Ltd for the amazing cocktail and eveningwear.
Many families are struggling financially for numerous reasons, including increases in the cost of living, rental crisis, refugees and asylum seekers, and require dresses for school formals and various events.
These dresses were able to assist 10 students make sure they had a dress for their formal, who just wouldn't have been able to afford it. The young ladies were delighted with their choices and were very excited to be able to go to their formals with something nice to wear.
Some of the dresses were donated to mature ladies who had special events to attend around Christmas.
Many thanks again to Good360 and Intermoda Pty Ltd for their generous support in improving the lives of others who are struggling during the festive season.

About Our Charity

To empower volunteers, to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

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Causes we support

Cost of Living Crisis


Sahai Pty Ltd