Supporting a clean living space in Crisis Accommodation!

In the heart of Foster House, The Salvation Army's beacon of hope for up to 50 homeless men every day, a simple purchase of Dettol floor wipes helped to elevate the quality of life for our residents and fostering a cleaner, safer environment for all.

In the realm of crisis, maintaining hygiene and cleanliness often becomes a daunting task, amplifying the vulnerability of those already grappling with adversity. However, with the arrival of these Dettol floor wipes, a newfound sense of empowerment swept through our community.

Gone were the days of navigating through dirt and grime. With each swipe, the floors gleamed with newfound radiance, symbolising not just cleanliness, but also the restoration of dignity and pride. Residents found solace in the fact that amidst chaos, they could still create spaces of comfort and safety.
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Causes we support

Cost of Living Crisis

