Diving Deep in LEGO Club

Our latest order was filled with LEGO that we could mix with water to allow our junior LEGO Masters to incorporate sensory feels within their play. Children worked in small groups supporting each other and testing out their LEGO boats in containers of water to see if they would sink or float. As these LEGO kits were large and had lots of packets we set out to build these over 2 sessions, being careful to mark our books with where we were up to and putting them carefully inside the boxes for next week. The building of these underwater creations allowed children to challenge themselves with higher-order thinking and engage in conversations to share their understanding when they came across harder-to-understand parts in the instructions. We are so grateful for our LEGO from Good360 and the opportunity to include LEGO kits for our children in our program! Thank you.

About Our Charity

We are a community based outside of school hours centre located within Warrawee Public School. We provide care and learning for children before and after school and during school holidays.

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Causes we support

Education & Literacy
People with Disabilities
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia