Wardrobe Essentials

A BIG thank you for the shipment of men's and women's clothing. This enabled Bulli Community Centre to hold an open day for the community that attended for assistance. The response to the variety of clothing and sizes was greatly appreciated. Men, Women and Children were able to access new clothing for the upcoming changes in seasons. The responses from the community were overwhelming. The gratitude is shown for these donations of new clothing where some community mentioned they had not owned a new piece of clothing for years. It brought tears to the eyes of volunteers and the hugs were many.
Thank you Good360 for doing what you are doing and assisting us to put a smile on their faces.

About Our Charity

We support vulnerable members of the community, homeless and those fleeing domestic and family violence. We help the following groups: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Adults - aged 25 to under 65 Adults - aged 65 and over Families Females

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Causes we support

Health and Mental Health
Cost of Living Crisis


SC Johnson Home
Nottage International
Deus Ex Machina