NSW Bull Terrier Rescue & Big W

Although we are an animal rescue we are by far anything but a normal animal rescue. We run our kennels with 100% volunteers and community involvement. We are linked with our local services to assist anyone in our community and afar that needs a bit of assistance.

With thanks to Good360 and the generosity of companies who donate to Good360, we are able to support and help some of our most vulnerable who in turn find strength and calm from helping with our animals.

We were lucky enough to gain a store pick up from BIG W Newcastle, from that donation we were able to support our volunteers with numerous items to support their work with our animals.

We have one family that currently is in a vulnerable situation and had to rehome their family pets due to some changes in their living conditions. This family comes out and helps around the kennels so that the children can still have some quality time with animals. This family were able to be supported through the BIG W donation with the children getting their first pair of brand new shoes in over 3 years.

Any items that were surplus to our needs we worked with a sister Good360 Charity “The Bikers Hand” who made sure that all other items were dispersed to the vulnerable in and around their local community and into our bushfire affected areas. Many thanks to our gorgeous volunteer Kirsten who supports both charities and could link everybody together to get everything where it was most needed.
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Causes we support

Preventing or Relieving Suffering of Animals
Health and Mental Health


Big W