Little Things Can Make A Big Difference

Mid Coast Connect supports young people so they can stay engaged in education, training and employment. Nikita, a Year 11 student and her family were heartbroken as a result of the bushfires that affected the Rollands Plains area in November 2019. The fire took a big part of their life as well as damaging property.

“Driving up our driveway was such a devastating and eerie feeling. Dad and I were holding back the tears, as we moved closer to our shed to see it had been totally destroyed, but what really broke mine and Dad’s heart, was my old car lying underneath the collapsed shed absolutely destroyed. When my mum went into labour, they didn’t make it to the hospital in time, and I was born in the back seat. The memories we have of my mum before she passed when I was two, were mainly with that car.”

Nikita’s thankful that her Dad and animals were OK. She knows material things are replaceable but there’s nothing that can replace the sentimental value of some of the things lost like the old family car. Nikita’s grateful for everyone who has supported her family as well as the firefighters that saved the house. “Even little things have made a difference, like getting a Colgate oral care pack from Mid Coast Connect when I couldn’t stay at home in the days following the fire.”

Thank you Good360 and Colgate for helping people like Nikita.

About Our Charity

Mid Coast Connect is a not-for-profit locally-based organisation supporting young people from Woolgoolga to Bulahdelah. Established in 1997, we strive to assist young people with their transition from school into further education, training or employm

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Education & Literacy
Workforce Development
Children & Youth

