Impact Stories

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Making a difference in the community

Impact stories bring to life the tireless work of our Not for Profit members through photos, videos and personal reflections. Read how the lives of individuals, families and communities are being impacted by the donations of business' brand new goods.

Thank You Good360!

Thank You Good360!

$11,172 Total of new goods received
$174 Total paid
20 Lives impacted
Hand sanitizer distribution

Hand sanitizer distribution

$77,060 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
500 Lives impacted
Leaving Paw-Prints on community hearts

Leaving Paw-Prints on community hearts

$36,000 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
50 Lives impacted
Bunnings relief for flood affected

Bunnings relief for flood affected

$200 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
10 Lives impacted
Scouts Learn with LEGO

Scouts Learn with LEGO

$6,633 Total of new goods received
$199 Total paid
40 Lives impacted
Difference in lives within the community

Difference in lives within the community

$190,559 Total of new goods received
$338 Total paid
1000 Lives impacted
Keeping Kennels Clean for Animal Rescue in Hunter

Keeping Kennels Clean for Animal Rescue in Hunter

$20,446 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
200 Lives impacted
E-KOH Friendly

E-KOH Friendly

$1,182 Total of new goods received
$19 Total paid
250 Lives impacted
Bushfire recovery for RFS volunteers who lost everything

Bushfire recovery for RFS volunteers who lost everything

$10,303 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
5 Lives impacted
Getting back on track with play and learning

Getting back on track with play and learning

$6,631 Total of new goods received
$0 Total paid
150 Lives impacted
Boosting the boosters, magnifying magnificence

Boosting the boosters, magnifying magnificence

$17,545 Total of new goods received
$20 Total paid
928 Lives impacted

11 Item(s)

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